Elsema PentaFOB Remote Programmer Includes

1x Elsema FOBPROG Programmer
1x Elsema FOB Chip
Instruction Manual


Elsema PentaFOB Programmer Unit
Elsema PentaFOB Remote Programmer


SKU: PentafobProgammer Categories: ,

Elsema PentaFOB Remote Programmer Specifications

 Hub Dimensions 10.2 x 14 x 5 (cm)
 Hub Weight -g
 Manufacturer Elsema
 Model Number FOBPROG
 Remote Encryption PentaCode & PentaFob
 Connection Type Wired
 Warranty 2 Year


Elsema PentaFOB Remote Programmer Compatibility

This PentaFOB Programmer is compatible with both the PentaCode and PentaFob series of Elsema remotes.


Elsema PentaFOB Remote Programmer Features

Individual PentaFOB transmitters can be added, modified, or removed from the receiver’s memory by the PentaFOB programmer. Simply attach the USB cord to the receiver’s other end and the USB port on the back of the programmer. The computer programme will automatically identify the receiver model number and present the relevant data. The setup can be completed quickly with the help of the easy-to-read 4-line big LCD and the clear instructions provided on the screen. The receivers can be locked using the programmer’s password feature to prevent unauthorised access to the receiver’s memory.

Each programmer comes with a backup or restoration memory chip (FOBchip). The contents of a receiver can be restored or backed up using this chip. The installer typically creates a backup of the receiver memory when hundreds of transmitters are programmed to it in case the receiver is lost or destroyed. It is possible to purchase more backup or restore chips individually.




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