The ATA GDO12 Hiro Commercial Roller Door Opener Includes

1x ATA “Hiro” GDO12 Commercial Roller Door Opener
2x ATA PTX6 Keyring Transmitters (1x Grey, 1x Black)
1x WTX6 “Easy Access Transmitter”
Installation Instructions


Automatic Technology Light Commercial GDO-12 Hiro Roller Door Opener Powerhead Kit Contents
ATA Hiro GDO-12 opener light commercial


ATA Hiro GDO-12 Specifications

Rated Door Area 28m² (6m W x 4.7m H)
Suitable Doors Light Commercial
Min Side Room 35mm
Model Number GDO-12
Peak Power 1400N
Standby Power 2.2W
Opening Speed 130mm/sec
MHz Frequency FM 433.92
Memory Register 64
Lighting None
Warranty 2 Years


ATA Hiro GDO-12 Features

The ATA Hiro GDO-12 is Automatic Technologies most recent light commercial roller door opener, to work alongside the GDO10 Toro. The GDO10 Toro is an automation staple by industrial garage door professionals in Australia and New Zealand , however, the limitations of it’s side room requirement (140mm) would often rule out the GDO10. The GDO12 addresses this issue by reducing the side room requirement down to an impressive 35mm, whilst still retaining the power to open doors up to 28m² (6m wide, 4.7m high).

The ATA Hiro GDO-12 comes with a wireless wall button and two keyring remote controls, to make the installation process even faster when compared to the wired wall console on the GDO10. Finally, the GDO 12 Hiro also has 400N more of lift, making it slightly stronger than the GDO10.

The included PTX5v2 remote controls features a rolling code encryption called TrioCode128, which generates a new code each time the button is pressed from trillions upon trillions of possibilities. By transmitting across three frequencies, the PTX5v2 all but eliminates interference problems, meaning your garage door will open with every press of the button. Due to the remotes high security, only your garage door remotes will ever open your gate or door preventing code grabbing devices from ‘replaying’ the code to open your ATA Hiro GDO-12.


Automatic Technology Australia


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