iSmartGate is our preferred brand of smart garage door openers, also known as garage door smartphone kits. They also manufacture and develop a wide range of smart home automation equipment, designed to simplify your life.
We’ve found that over the years, ‘First Party’ smart openers are designed by people who make garage doors. As long as the door can be opened with a phone, the job is done. However, no thought goes into the user experience. For example, one major smart opener requires you to unlock the phone, open the app, tap the door to connect, wait to connect, tap to open and then wait for the door to open!
iSmartGate is made by people who make apps, which are centred around the user experience. With these kits, you can easily open your garage door by saying “Siri, open my garage door!” These smart garage door openers also link into Google Home, Alexa, Apple Homekit and more.