ATA Synchro Garage Door Opener Includes

Belt Rail Not Included.
If you require a belt rail, please click here.
1x ATA “Synchro” ATS-3 Garage Door Opener
2x PTX6 Premium Keyring Transmitters (1x Grey, 1x Black)
1x WTX6 Premium Wireless Wall Button
Installation Instructions


Automatic Technology Synchro ATS-3 TrioCode 128 Sectional Opener Kit Contents
ATA ATS-3 Syncro Sectional Motor Opener No Rail


SKU: SYNCHRO NO RAIL Categories: ,

ATA Synchro ATS-3 Specifications

Rated Door Area 18m² (6m W x 3m H)
Suitable Doors Single, Double Panel / Tilt
Min Head Room 57mm
Model Number ATS-3
Peak Power 1000N
Standby Power 2.2W
Opening Speed 130mm/sec
MHz Frequency FM 433.92
Memory Register 64
Lighting LED Lighting
Warranty 7 Years / 20,000 cycles


ATA Synchro ATS-3 Features

The ATA Synchro ATS-3 will suit any residential tilt or sectional door made in Australia or New Zealand up to 18m². ATA have also included Smartphone control as a standard inclusion with the Synchro, allowing you to operate the motor with your mobile phone after installing the app on a compatible iOS or Android device. With a fast opening speed, the Synchro makes getting in and out of your garage a breeze. This top of the range model includes enhanced safety features and is backed b a 7-year warranty.

The included PTX6 remote control features a rolling code encryption called TrioCode 128, which generates a new code each time the button is pressed from trillions upon trillions of possibilities. By transmitting across three frequencies, the PTX6 all but eliminates interference problems, meaning your garage door will open with every press of the button. Due to the remotes high security, only your garage door remotes will ever open your gate or door preventing code grabbing devices from ‘replaying’ the code to open your ATA Synchro ATS-3.

Optional accessories include a battery backup, PE Safety Beams or a weatherproof wireless keypad. Please click here for video instructions showing how you can install your new ATA Synchro ATS-3.


Automatic Technology Australia


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