Category Archives: Weatherseal

Wholesale Weatherseal Guide

How to choose garage door weatherseal

Garage doors are the largest access point to the home, so having a faulty garage door weatherseal can expose your garage to the elements. For many Australians, this also includes letting in spiders, the occasional mouse and if you’re particularly unlucky, even a snake.

All new garage doors come with new weatherseal (also known as weatherstripping), but this will wear out and crack over time. Finding the correct garage door seal all comes down to the brand of your door and what year it was built. That’s not always easy to find, so we’ve written a guide to identifying your garage door seal.

Wholesale Weatherseal Guide

What Is The Best Way To Seal A Garage Door?

There are two main ways to seal your garage door, garage door floor seal and garage door bottom seal. The garage door bottom seal slides into the channels of your roller or panel door. Every brand of roller door has its garage door seal, including B&D Doors, Gliderol, Steel Line Garage Doors and Taurean Door Systems. Getting the correct brand of door seal is important, otherwise, your seal will not sit in the channel of your door.

The garage door floor seal will universally suit every brand of garage door, as it sticks to the ground itself. We stock the Auto Openers Floor Seal, which acts as a weather stop or garaseal. It’s strong enough to drive cars or even trucks over the top and will prevent water from getting into your garage. It was very popular during the mouse plague in Australia as it stopped rodents from getting into Australian homes.


How to Identify Your Door Seal

Finding the right garage door weatherseal can seem tricky, but is very simple to work out. Over time, the overall width, colour, shape, number of ridges and style have changed drastically. However, the ‘profile’ of the seal has remained the same. The profile is the very edge of the seal, which slides into your garage door tracks.

  • Start by removing a small piece of your garage door seal. It only needs to be 10-20mm in length.
  • Compare the shape of the edge of your seal to our one-page seal guide.


B&D Doors

B&D has two main profiles of the garage door seals, for roller doors made pre-1996 and post-1996.

  • Pre-1996 roller door seal is 50mm wide, with a 3mm “T” section. The “T” section looks triangular.
  • Post-1996 roller door seal is 52mm wide, with a 5mm “T” section. The “T” section is rounded.
  • If you need a wider seal, B&D Doors also make a “Universal” seal. This seal is 85mm wide, with a 5mm “T” section. Again, this section is rounded.


Steel Line Garage Doors

Steel Line roller doors have one main roller door seal that they have.

  • Used since the 1990s, the seal is 60mm wide, with a 6mm “T” section. The “T” section is flat with short edges.



Gliderol roller doors have used two different types of garage door weatherseal. One was used exclusively in Queensland and Western Australia before September 2015, which is no longer available. Queensland and Western Australia now use the same Gliderol seal the rest of Australia uses and has used for many years.

  • The Gliderol seal is 65mm wide, with a 5mm wide “T” section. The “T” section is flat with short edges.


How To Install Door Seal

Installing your new door stripping or weather seal is very simple and able to be done by anyone.

  1. Remove the old rubber garage door weatherseal by pulling it through the retainer track.
  2. Place your new weather seal into a bucket of warm, soapy water to soften for ten minutes. Whilst waiting, wash the retainer track with a rag to remove any residual grime and dirt, then rinse.
  3. Squeeze a small amount of dish soap in the retainer track to lubricate it. Then, feed the weather seal into the track (ridges of the seal facing outward).
  4. Cut off the excess seal with scissors. If there are caps for the weather seal, put them on the ends.


Buy Garage Door Weatherseal Online

Wholesale Garage Doors offer a wide range of garage door weather seals and weatherstrip from our online store. We specialize in all brands of weather seals such as B&D, Steel Line, Gliderol, and Auto Openers. You can browse garage door weather seal online here.

If you have any questions on how to install your door or floor rubber seals, feel free to contact us for more information. All Wholesale Garage staff are trained garage door technicians to best support you and your purchase.